[USA]美国驻华大使馆:缅怀露丝·巴德·金斯伯格大法官 :娱乐城注册送

時間:2023-11-26 11:51:11 作者:娱乐城注册送 熱度:娱乐城注册送
娱乐城注册送描述::Nelson Shanks’ painting, “The Four Justices” is a portrait of the first four female justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, top row, from left, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, bottom row, from left, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (AP Photo)尼尔森·善克斯(Nelson Shanks)的画作《四位大法官》描绘了美国最高法院第一至四位女性大法官的肖像,上排左起依次为索尼亚·索托马约尔(Sonia Sotomayor)和埃琳娜·卡根(Elena Kagan),下排左起依次为桑德拉·戴·奥康纳(Sandra Day O’Connor)和露丝·巴德·金斯伯格(Ruth Bader Ginsburg).National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; gift of Everett Raymond Kinstler史密森尼学会国家肖像画廊;埃弗里特·雷蒙德·金斯勒(Everett Raymond Kinstler)赠露丝·巴德·金斯伯格(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)因其众多成就而闻名,但最为人知的还是她在促进性别平等和确保女性——以及男性——的权利得到法律的平等保护方面所做的工作。金斯伯格是具有历史地位的律师和大法官,她的许多成就都是开创性的。金斯伯格是哥伦比亚大学法学院第一位女性终身教授。后来,她在美国最高法院做了六项具有里程碑意义的性别平等案件的辩论。露丝·巴德·金斯伯格认为法律应切实地不分性别,一视同仁。这一信念是她的行动指南之一。而她在最高法院赢得的具有里程碑意义的案件之一是关于修改《社会保障法》的一项条款,该条款原本只保护寡妇而不保护鳏夫。金斯伯格主张对《社会保障法》进行修改,以确保它能平等地保护男性和女性。金斯伯格在整个职业生涯中打破了种种壁垒,以确保男性、女性、少数群体和未得到充分代表的声音都可以在法律之下享有充分的平等。她留给我们的包括她为婚姻平等、同性恋去刑罚化、废除军事学院只接收男性学员的规定、劳工权利和医疗改革等案件所做的辩论。人们记得她满怀热忱的倡议工作和充满激情的反对意见,这一切都是为了创造一个更加自由和平等的世界。Ruth Bader Ginsburg is remembered for many achievements, none more so than her work to advance gender equality and ensure that the rights of women, and men, were equally protected under the law.A lawyer and justice of historic stature, Ginsburg was groundbreaking in many of her achievements. She was the first female tenured professor at Columbia Law School and she would go on to argue six landmark cases on gender equality before the U.S. Supreme Court.Part of what guided Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s approach was her belief that the law should be truly gender blind, and one of the landmark cases she won before the Supreme Court involved amending a part of the Social Security Act that protected widows but not widowers. She argued for changes to ensure that the Act would equally protect men as well as women.Throughout her career, she broke down barriers to ensure men, women, minorities, and underrepresented voices could all enjoy full equality under the law. Her legacy includes arguing cases for marriage equality, decriminalization of homosexuality, striking down male-only admission policies at military institutes, labor rights, and healthcare reform. She is remembered for her passionate advocacy, and passionate dissent, in the name of creating a more free and equal world.美国驻华大使馆USEmbassyChina
站長聲明:以上關於【[USA]美国驻华大使馆:缅怀露丝·巴德·金斯伯格大法官 -娱乐城注册送】的內容是由各互聯網用戶貢獻並自行上傳的,我們新聞網站並不擁有所有權的故也不會承擔相關法律責任。如您發現具有涉嫌版權及其它版權的內容,歡迎發送至:1@qq.com 進行相關的舉報,本站人員會在2~3個工作日內親自聯繫您,一經查實我們將立刻刪除相關的涉嫌侵權內容。