[USA]双语阅读:哈佛大学允许部分学生今秋到校,但须每3天检测一次新冠病毒! :wq 娱乐城

時間:2023-12-11 15:57:17 作者:wq 娱乐城 熱度:wq 娱乐城
wq 娱乐城描述::近日美国多所大学纷纷宣布秋季学期计划,哈佛大学2020-2021学年的教学活动将全部在线进行,但是不会减免学费。同时,该校还宣布,允许新生和一部分其他年级学生秋季到校,但是必须每三天进行一次新冠病毒检测。Students carry boxes to their dorms at Harvard University, after the school asked its students not to return to campus after Spring Break and said it would move to virtual instruction for graduate and undergraduate classes, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US, March 10, 2020. REUTERS/Brian SnyderHarvard University is welcoming freshmen and some other students to campus this fall semester, but students will have to take coronavirus tests every three days, classes will be taught online and it won’t discount tuition, the school announced Monday.哈佛大学本周一(7月6日)宣布,欢迎新生和一部分其他年级学生今年秋季学期到校,但学生每三天就要进行一次新冠病毒检测,所有课程将在线进行,不会减免学费。Upperclassmen will be able to petition to return if they don’t have sufficient technology at home or have challenging family circumstances. The total percentage of undergraduates living on campus would be limited to around 40%.家里没有技术条件或家庭环境不适合学习的高年级学生可以申请返校。到校本科生的比例将限制在40%左右。"Assuming that we maintain 40% density in the spring semester, we would again bring back one class, and our priority at this time is to bring seniors to campus,” Harvard said. “Under this plan, first years would return home and learn remotely in the spring.” It expects to release a decision about the spring in early December.哈佛称:“假定明年春季我们维持40%的学生密度,我们将能让一个年级的学生返校,那时我们会优先让毕业班学生返校。根据这一计划,春季学期大一学生将在家进行远程学习。”哈佛预计会在12月初宣布关于春季学期的决定。Harvard is the latest school to announce its fall semester plans as coronavirus cases continue to spike in the US.随着美国新冠肺炎病例持续飙升,哈佛大学是最新宣布秋季学期计划的学校。Harvard previously announced that all teaching would occur online. Today it also said tuition will not be discounted from ,653, although students enrolled remotely won’t pay housing fees. The semester will begin as scheduled on Sept. 2, and all students living on campus will be expected to leave by Thanksgiving.哈佛先前宣布,所有教学活动都将在线上进行。如今哈佛又表示,学费不会打折,仍然是49653美元(约合人民币34.8万元),不过远程入学的学生不必支付住宿费。新学期定于9月2日开学,所有在校学生都将在感恩节前离校。Students will have to undergo Covid-19 testing upon arrival and every three days afterward.学生一到学校就必须接受新冠病毒检测,之后每三天都要检测一次。Anticipating that many students under this plan will not live on campus for any part of the upcoming academic year, Harvard will allow all enrolled undergraduates studying remotely for the entire year to take two courses on campus at the Harvard Summer School in 2021 with tuition waived.预料到这一计划之下许多学生在整个新学年都不会住校,哈佛大学将允许所有全年远程学习的入学本科生在2021年哈佛暑期学校免费上两门课。Harvard’s plan is more restrictive than those of other universities that have been announcing their fall plans. Last week Yale University announced it would allow 60% of undergraduates to return to campus. Other Ivy League schools such as the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University plan to reopen most of their residential halls and hold some in-person classes.哈佛大学的计划比其他已经宣布秋季计划的大学有更多限制条件。上周耶鲁大学宣布,将允许60%的本科生返校。其他的常春藤盟校,比如宾夕法尼亚大学和康奈尔大学,计划重新开放大部分宿舍楼,并进行一些面对面授课。Princeton University also announced Monday it would bring freshmen and juniors to campus in the fall and sophomores and seniors in the spring, with Covid-19 testing upon arrival and “regularly thereafter.” Most classes would be remote. Rutgers University, also in New Jersey, announced Monday that its fall semester would feature a majority of remote classes and “extremely limited” on-campus housing.普林斯顿大学周一也宣布,将让新生和大三学生今年秋季入校,大二学生和大四学生明年春季入校,学生一到学校就必须进行新冠病毒检测,“此后定期进行检测”。大多数课程都将远程教授。同样在新泽西州的罗格斯大学周一宣布,秋季学期将以远程授课为主,住校名额也“极为有限”。英文来源:CNBC翻译:中国日报网 @丹妮
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