[USA]英文故事《My Best Friend》 :娱乐城游戏

時間:2023-12-12 21:57:15 作者:娱乐城游戏 熱度:娱乐城游戏
娱乐城游戏描述::《My Best Friend》《我的好朋友》When everyone goes off to school, and I am still at home,当大家都去上学时,我仍然呆在家里,I have a very special friend.我有一个特别的朋友。I never play alone.我玩耍的时候从不孤单。He plays at hide-and-seek with me. We look at books together.他陪我玩捉迷藏。我们一起看书。He shares the cookies on my plate and likes all kinds of weather.他会把饼干放在我的盘子里,他喜欢各种天气。When Dad rakes leaves into a pile, I laugh and we jump in.当爸爸把树叶堆成一堆,我们会笑着跳进去。We chase each other in the yard and race against the wind.我们在院子里互相追逐,与风赛跑。He sleeps beside me when I nap. We often play “pretend.”当我小睡的时候他会躺在我旁边。我们经常玩“伪装”。He may look like a dog to you, but Sam is my best friend!他或许对于你来说是一只狗,但山姆是我最好的朋友!出处:见配图水印
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