[USA]“孔子学院美国中心”正式认定为“中华人民共和国驻外使团” :威富娱乐城评价

時間:2023-12-05 04:58:10 作者:威富娱乐城评价 熱度:威富娱乐城评价
威富娱乐城评价描述::2020年8月13日,美国国务院将孔子学院美国中心认定为中华人民共和国驻外使团。该中心事实上充当了孔子学院网络在华盛顿D.C.的总部。其不透明性,以及其受国家指令的性质是这一认定背后的驱动原因。此举不会关闭孔子学院美国中心,也不会要求美国各学院或大学关闭其孔子学院。相反,认定孔子学院美国中心为外国使团将要求该中心定期向美国国务院提供有关中华人民共和国在美的公民雇员、招聘、经费提供,以及运作相关信息,从而确保迫切需要的透明度。正如美国国务院东亚和太平洋事务局助理国务卿史达伟所说:“我们在美国的确支持中国语言、文化和研究,但它必须是透明的……我们认为,眼下,美国人学习中国语言,理解中国文化并努力在太平洋两岸建立真正对等的关系尤为重要。有非常多的机会。”https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/designation-of-the-confucius-institute-u-s-center-as-a-foreign-mission-of-the-prc/On August 13, 2020, the Department of State designated the Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUS), which serves as the Washington D.C.-based de facto headquarters of the Confucius Institute network, as a foreign mission of the People’s Republic of China. The opacity of this organization and its state-directed nature are the driving reasons behind this designation.This action will not close the CIUS, nor will it require U.S. colleges or universities to close individual Confucius Institutes. Instead, designating the CIUS as a foreign mission will ensure much needed transparency by requiring the CIUS to regularly provide information to the State Department about PRC citizen personnel, recruiting, funding, and operations in the United States.As Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs David R. Stillwell said: “We do support Chinese language, culture, and study in the U.S., but it has to be transparent…We think at this point it’s even more important that Americans study Chinese language, understand Chinese culture, and work to establish a truly reciprocal relationship on both sides of the Pacific. There are lots of opportunities.”For more info: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/designation-of-the-confucius-institute-u-s-center-as-a-foreign-mission-of-the-prc/出处:美国驻华大使馆(微信订阅号:USEmbassyChina)
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