[USA]Two-story ≠ 两个故事,真实意思竟然跟房子有关! :娱乐城 出金

時間:2023-11-30 10:51:15 作者:娱乐城 出金 熱度:娱乐城 出金
娱乐城 出金描述::Sara跟Roc聊房子的时候说到了一个词two-story,让Roc摸不着头脑。到底怎么回事?请看他们的对话:Roc: Morning, Sara.【早啊Sara。】Sara: Morning, Roc. You are late again.【早上好Roc。你又迟到了。】Roc: Yeah, I know. But, you know what, I live too far from the office. It takes me 2 hours from door to door.【是啊,我知道。但你知道吗,我住地离这里太远了。路上要花我两个小时啊。】Sara: Why not move to around here?【那你为什么不搬到这边附近呢?】Roc: I would love to, but the rent is too high.【我当然想啊,但是这边房租太高了啊。】Sara: Not really. I live in a two-story house in the neighborhood, but the rent is just 2000 Yuan.【不高吧,我住在这边附近一个两层小楼里,但房租也才两千块钱。】Roc: No kidding! That’s really cheap! But why does the house have two stories?【不是开玩笑吧!这也太便宜了!但是为什么这个房子还有“两个故事”?】Sara: What?! Two stories? I mean the house has two floors.【什么?两个故事?我是说这个房子有两层。】Roc: Two-story means two floors?【two-story的意思是“两层”?】Sara: Yes.【是啊。】原来,two-story竟然是“两层楼”的意思。看来story还真是个“有故事”的story。那我们接下来就好好品一品story这个单词,看它还有哪些有意思的意思。A likely story一种反语,意为“真是个故事”,表示“不相信某人的话”例句:Roc said he could change blank paper into cash. A likely story!Roc说他能把白纸变为钱,真是不错!(Cut/make a) long story short.长话短说。例句:(to cut a) long story short, I will fix everything.长话短说,我会处理好一切的。Tell a different story.事与愿违。例句:You promised that you would pass the exam. But the result tells a different story.你承诺你会通过考试,可是结果却并不如人意。Tell its own story.不证自明,显而易见。Please stop explaining, the report tells its own story.请不要再解释了,报告已经说得很清楚了。That’s the story of my life.一种无奈的表达,表示“坏事总是发生在我身上”。例句:It is not strange I lost my phone. That’s the story of my life.我把手机丢了并不奇怪,这就是我的生活。出处:头条号 @RocEnglish
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