[USA]英文初级阅读:Childrens Job(儿童の工作) :线上博弈 体验金

時間:2023-12-11 20:57:05 作者:线上博弈 体验金 熱度:线上博弈 体验金
线上博弈 体验金描述::美国原住民生活之“儿童的工作。”Childrens JobThe children had jobs too! The children had a fairly free existence.They also had a share of the work.They picked fruit guarded the garden from raised platforms, and helped with the planting and reaping.They also needed to learn the details of the forest, river, weather and animal life. Boys spend time with the men learning skills while the girls were learning the skills of the women.因为文章比较简单,大致翻一下,希望有帮助。孩子们的工作孩子们也有工作。孩子们的生活相当自由,他们也分担一定的工作。采摘水果,守卫菜园,帮助种植和收割,他们还需要了解森林,河流,天气,自然环境和动物的种种细节。男孩花时间与男人们学习技能,而女孩需要向成年女性学习技能。出处:头条号 @木桥故事
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